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Fatima Balfaqeeh

Legal Counsel, and independent Arbitrator

Fatima Balfaqeeh is a multi-disciplined professional who is an independent Arbitrator, Mediator and a member of the Charter Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), a Member in RICS as a chartered Facilities Management Surveyor and a Member in the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply Chain (CIPS). Fatima comes with over 16 years of experience in dispute resolution in construction-related matters, governance enforcement in contracts and procurement fields in government entities, project-related finance, payables, and banking credit facilities for cooperate clients.

Fatima Balfaqeeh is a UAE National, with active involvement with the ICC-UAE as a board member, and the Charted Institute of Arbitrators (CIarb) as a member of the UAE Branch Committee as Vice Chair, and a Board Member on the MENA advisory panel (MAP) of Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors (RICS) and many more international and domestic ADR institutes.

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